The Top 8 Trends in Web Development


The only constant in the digital landscape is that things change. To stay ahead in the race, it is vital to keep up with changes, especially in web development. Every year, new trends and technologies come and go, to stay ahead of the business, it is very important to keep trends, techniques, and approaches in mind. Here are some top trends in web development:

Trends for web development

· Progressive web app

· Motion UI

· Single Page Application

· Responsive website

· Voice Search Optimization

· Bots and Artificial Intelligence

· Mobile-first development

· Cybersecurity

Progressive web app

The progressive web app is not a new concept, but it is now outshining. Now technocrats realize its significant potential to provide high-quality user experience, almost close to the native app. PWA is bridging the gap between the user experience of mobile devices and desktop browser experience.

PWA is changing the entire situation of websites we hate the most: offline access, poor experience, and slowness. Even the complex PWA projects take 4x less time than native apps development on iOS and Android. Some famous brands that have leveraged the benefits of PWA including Alibaba, Twitter, The Washington Post, Forbes, and many on the list.

Motion UI

There are a plethora of websites available on the internet, what makes your website stand out in the sea of websites is motion UI. The problem of attention span can be battled with motion UI. It helps in better reader engagement. It makes digital products usage clearer and intuitive. Motion UI became accessible because of SASS libraries’ technology and hence offers flexibility, responsiveness, and ease to use it in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Single Page Application

One of the major benefits of a single page application is that it takes less loading time. Long loading time directly correlates with lost revenues. A single second can make a difference between engaged viewers and unsatisfied users. The best examples of single-page applications include GitHub, Gmail, and Google.

Single-page applications give a seamless user experience with easy navigation, simple layouts, and adaptive formats on different mobile screens. It displays all information on a single page, which saves users time and effort. Because of the ease of single page application, many people are moving toward single page websites. Isn’t this trend remarkable?

Responsive website

Website trends without discussing responsive websites are incomplete, although it is not a new trend. With the rise in numbers of mobile users, developers need to put extra effort into polishing their products. It will enable their website to run on desktop and mobile formats. Responsive websites are a vital factor in getting Google top rankings. To get the top ranking, one has to make sure the desktop, and mobile sites, have the same structured data.

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